Through Scripture and silence,
senses and seasons,
sunrise and soul-searching,
our invisible God is always talking.
How do we decipher God’s personal invitation?

As I give you my time and my trained listening ear, my spiritual gifts ignite your spiritual gifts and together we share God’s healing presence with this hurting world.
Break open your words,
let the light shine out,
let ordinary people see the meaning.
– Psalm 119:130 (MSG)
When the life of my dreams ended, darkness descended. Hollow. Lonely. Grieving. One random morning around 3:00 am, God’s Word lit my candle.
“Do not neglect your gift (Sue)… Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone will see your progress. Watch your life (Sue) and watch your doctrine closely. Persevere in them because if you do, you will save yourself and your hearers.”- 1 Tim 4:14-16
“Give myself wholly? To what? For years, my private pen has watched my life closely, spilling my soul into nearly four hundred journals. Might the words saving me also save others? God, who are my hearers?”
Fast forward twenty years. Right here. Right now. You are one hearer, a hearer of God. May the fresh words saving me in the early morning hours also save you, expanding through you a unique gift to the world.
Subscribe here to receive my fresh message each morning.
Your daily devotionals are the first thing I take-in each day—even, BEFORE coffee. I sometimes think, does she send these devotionals just to me?
When my father was in ICU with pneumonia, I sat by his bedside. Reading my iPhone email from Sue, my heart felt at home despite my circumstances.
Sue’s simple words me me where I am and bring me the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Sue is a fantastic writer who brings such inspiration and wisdom to us each morning!
Sue’s messages are so relevant to us and truly give guidance to our everyday lives.
The scriptures that coincide with Sue’s daily postings are amazing!
I can tell you, your daily devotionals wrap me like a needed blanket on a cold night.
It is a true gift to begin each day with Sue’s wisdom! We are all blessed by the spirit of God working through her, whether to heal, encourage, celebrate, or grieve.
THANK YOU for the gift of your daily devotionals.
Everyday, you nudge me to: think, feel, re-direct, increase patience, be more grateful, sprinkle trust everywhere, and guide my faith into action.
Dearest Sue,
Through the illness and subsequent death of my beloved husband and two knee replacement surgeries, your daily devotionals have kept me going.
Through her daily insight and inspiration, her honesty and humility, Sue creates a sacred space where all are welcome to receive the word of God.
Sue, God sends us messages wherever we are and you have really helped me to be more attentive in my listening!
Sue, your devotions are as transparent as you are. You speak from your heart where the Holy Spirit resides.
Your devotions always lift me up with encouragement, new perspective, and love.
Your simple, thoughtful, and very real and true paragraphs are the first thing I read every morning with my coffee.
Your morning messages allow me to ponder what really matters and I start my day off a little better.
I continue to struggle with my faith and how to move in this world in light of God’s grace. Since I’ve been reading you for about two years now, I feel more open to listening and learning.
Your daily words are beautiful and they speak to me each and every day. I’m so thankful for you being in my life in this way.
Reading Sue’s early morning messages feeds my soul.
It is amazing how often your words touch on exactly what I am struggling with that day. Not sure how this happens…well, I actually am sure. It is straight from a loving God!
You have an amazing gift not only with words and the ability to relate to every day challenges, losses and blessings, but also to help me to get closer to the Holy Trinity.
There are so many days when I copy a snippet of your words, scripture, or parts of a poem to save for myself to read later or share with a friend.
Most days I read something that strikes me as a nudging from the Holy Spirit. It’s meant just for me.
Once you said that as your inner truth becomes your outer truth, you gain harmony that makes today a great place to be in less-than-perfect circumstances.
It is not unusual for one of your blog posts to strike me as exactly what I need, right now. I love the wonder of it all. I understand very little but I appreciate it very much.
I am an early riser too. To check the phone and have a blog posting from you is a daily blessing. You have the ability to listen and discern and you inspire me to practice that skill.