Who is Sue Allen?
She pushes me to clarity. Just like you, I could rapidly rattle off a range of roles. Instead, I breathe. Slow down. Sink deep. I begin to sense God’s evolving answer.
“Sue, you are a catalyst for the call of God in the lives of ordinary people,” says a forever friend. A catalyst? I google the word and personify its meaning. A synergist. A stimulant. A spiritual spark plug.
“Sue, you are an alchemist,” others explain. An alchemist? I google the word and personify its meaning. A Spirit-led seer. A Christian shaman. A human conduit amplifying the Divine in our daily.
Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough” (Matthew 13:33, NLT). I am a little yeast.
Now specifics root and organically bloom. Raised in Berea, Ohio. Received B.A. in Psychology from Ohio’s College of Wooster and M.A. in Human Development and Family Relations from The University of Connecticut. Enjoyed ten year as a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Play Therapist. Married my soulmate and endured four years of infertility and four miscarriages, before being blessed with our four kids. My spiritual gifts have grown lush and large in the soil of Northside Church in Atlanta, GA, where I have been the Women’s Ministry Director since 2008. Trained as a Spiritual Director through Richmont Graduate University, I continue to harness God’s healing power, each day and each night.
Can you hear the LORD whispering into our open ears?
…I will bless you…
…and you will be a blessing to others…
…All the families on earth will be blessed through you…
– Genesis 12:2-3 (NLT)
I have read that prayer is the connective tissue between heaven and earth. Sue responds to the call of God to foster that bond not only in her own life, but in the lives of others as well.
YOU are another piece of evidence that God IS within and it’s contagious for people like me! Thank you!
Sue’s written and spoken words touch me at my core because they flow from the river of living water that expands so freely from the depths of her core.
Through Sue’s intense desire for God and her years of middle-of-the-night faithfulness to her call, God empowers her beautiful words with truth and healing.
I have been inspired, encouraged, and challenged by Sue’s ministry.
I have watched Sue mature as a writer and in her depth of insight over the years. As her relationship with the Lord has matured, she shares what she is learning.
Through Sue, God is expanding our vision beyond just the physical reality to a spiritual perspective.
Sue gives us a wonderful gift, a fragrant offering to the Lord, as she helps rise above life’s circumstances. Thank you, Sue.
Words cannot express how much Sue has taught me about looking for God’s hand and listening to God’s voice and guidance in everyday life — be it in joyful or sorrowful times.
Sue seeks God earnestly and diligently with an open and obedient heart. She yearns to know Him and connect with Him at the deepest possible level. As a result, God’s light shines brightly through her!
Sue would likely be the most surprised to know what an incredible blessing, witness and mentor she is to those around her. Indeed, she is a vessel for God’s abundant grace!
Sue’s ministry will enrich your faith journey.
Sue, the Lord’s light shines through to me in your journeys, your writings, and your messages. Thank you for all your encouragements and ministries.
With all we have shared and learned together, Sue is my dear friend.
I am so thankful for the way God speaks to Sue and she so eloquently and willingly shares His treasures with the rest of us.
Sue’s ministry has brought me such great inspiration over the years.
Thank you for what you do for our community.