Good morning…

Sitting on our back porch enjoying leftover chili, I open noontime space in my slow-paced, full schedule. No agenda. No expectations. No list of “have to’s” for God. I breathe. Open-hearted. Waiting. Watching. Mind wandering and wondering.

Midwinter grey. 61-degree mild. Naked trees wait with me. Birds. Clouds. Squirrels. Stillness. Solitude. Silence wanders and wonders.

A momma bird and her young one capture my attention. Her wide wings fly beneath, guiding, guarding, giving confident trust. The individuating creature flaps a unique set of wings. I sense: “No one can fly for us, we must engage our whole self.” Living. Listening. Learning as we wander, as we wonder.

I am drawn back to a sentence coming to nest in my journal: “Understand the medicinal value of free time.” – J. Dana Trent

I wander to this wondering: Might prayer, at its core, be free time with God?

Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray [in seclusion] (Luke 5:16, AMP).
