Good morning…

“I have been receiving such confirmation through you, my stewardship coach, and my therapist that reading Let Your Life Speak will be beneficial in discerning vocation,” writes Mary from Charlotte, N.C., the author of the words from our recent post, Gratitude Holds Hands With Grief. She says, “Here is what really jumped out at me so far, ‘True vocation joins self and service…as the place where your deep gladness meets the worlds deepest needs.’ We are here on earth to ‘be the gifts that God created’ in spite of our circumstances! Right now I feel like a plant that started out many years ago as a seed in a small pot, the roots have been growing and strengthening, and now the flowers are ready to explode through the surface of the soil and break free!”

Mary continues: “I feel strongly about a few things right now…God really and truly wants to carry the heavy burden. I feel much lighter so far in 2018 and it’s because God has instructed me to hand over the heavy load and carry only what is necessary in order to move more freely, less weighted down. He has given me a deeper sense of peace and acceptance. He keeps bringing me back to “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). I want to use my pain from tragic loss to connect with others, yet not feel like I have an anchor pulling me down! Dalton’s presence has also been strong and I feel him urging me to live my life fully, right now, not to wait! He lets me know he is healed, he is free, and that people need me here on this earth! He always encouraged me by saying, ‘Mama, you be you and do your thing,’ and he respected the way I chose to live my life in service to others, going after ‘the lease of these.'”

Mary concludes: “I want others to know that the only identity that is real, authentic, and true is our identity in Christ! I see so many people claim labels and identities that keep them stuck! For instance, I quit drinking 8 1/2 years ago because of an addiction to alcohol, yet I refused to label myself an alcoholic, recovering alcoholic, etc… because I refuse to accept that identity. Yes, it is a part of who I am/was, and has shaped my life, but it’s just a part. Same goes with being a mom whose son died. That is not who I am either! I think support groups can be wonderful and transformative but only if people allow God to move them through, vs. getting stuck. I want to figure out how to help people move through! I want to let those who feel invisible in this world to know that they matter, that their life matters, that they too can come through dark and desperate times and be whole again! I want to continue to advocate for and come alongside the most vulnerable to help bridge the gap. I also recognize that I have the ability to walk in worlds that are polar opposite…I am able to have a voice and reach people with means and abundant resources, that on the outside seem to have it all, yet silently suffer and need Jesus more than ever! I want to figure out how to be a bright beacon of light in the darkest places, in people’s darkest hour!”

Inspired by Mary, I myself conclude: “Our life purpose is often born at the crossroads of our deepest pain and our deepest passion.”
