Good morning…
I had a nightmare when I was away for a wedding weekend in late January. I woke panicked, completely panicked. Abruptly I woke early in a cold, clammy sweat. My nightmare involved you, the community of subscribers to my everyday blog.
Before flying to Florida, I had pre-programmed three posts for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was away, messages scheduled to come to you at 3:00 am. Around 1:00 am Saturday, I woke panicked, dreaming that terrorists had orchestrated a series of plane crashes as we slept and you each woke the next morning searching for solace from my post for the day. What you received instead were previously-written words, words offering no help in the midst of our horrific pain. It felt like an amplified version of 911 had occurred and the morning after my words were feeble, disconnected, lacking the peace we all craved.
That mid-winter day at the beach, I quietly shared my nightmare with a friend. He said, “Dude, you put way too much pressure on yourself. That’s crazy to feel so responsible for something you can’t control.”
I wake up each day diligently trying to discern God’s comfort amid life’s chaos, but none of us can predict when tragedy will strike. My friend’s funny response to my nasty nightmare teaches me to increase my trust. Whatever message God speaks, whenever God speaks it, comfort will be felt, somehow, someway. This daily blog is less about me and more about God’s powerful presence, morning after morning after morning.
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14, NIV).