Good morning…

“When you arrive at the manger, where do you stand? What do you do, think, feel, and say,” asks my devotional book.

My imagination responds: “After asking, ‘Mary, may I hold your sweet baby?’ I cradle Jesus in my arms. I kiss his forehead gently. I slowly rub my cheek against his cheek then draw back to marvel at his movements, before nuzzling some more. All of me wants to melt into all of him. Eye to eye. Skin to skin. Soul to soul.”

In the presence of this infant, my defenses naturally let down. I want to touch, to nurture, to bond on all levels. Today baby Jesus births into my heart a desire to let down my defenses and bond on all levels. With God. With family and friends, old and new. With strangers who also crave spiritual intimacy.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind (John 1:4, NIV). May the light of life envelope us as we envelope him. As we shed defense to bond with this babe, I pray that the light of life born to all people will emanate through us each day.
