Good morning…

A friend was a no-show at a planned breakfast. The day after I received the following email.

“I am heartsick I forgot our time together as I longed for it. I got my wires crossed because I am on overload and this flew out of my head. (She went on to explain the colliding details which helped her forget our meal. Then she continued…) Of course, with the Alzheimer’s in my family, I think of that. Still, I have always had memory issues when I get on overload like this. Doesn’t excuse the treatment of a dear friend’s time this way, but I want you to know I really wanted to be there and feel such a loss that I did this.”

Right away I responded.

“I fully accept your apology. I too missed you and our opportunity to catch up. I know we are dear friends and always will be.

I will never forget the dozen roses you left on my car on an ordinary fall day to celebrate me as a mom after all four of my kids aged out of diapers and into school. ‘Well done good and faithful servant,’ came God’s affirmation through your handwriting on the card. What an everlasting gift, a gift that continues to encourage me to do each life phase well.

As a professional writer, your grace-filled care of the rudimentary writing shared from my private journal for the very first time: that is another memorable gift. Your presence in our small, weekly writers’ group loved me along. You all nurtured a mustard seed which has now grown into a sturdy tree, and, because you believed in me, today many people perch and take shade in the branches of my blog.

In my mind, it was not poor ‘treatment of a dear friend’s time,’ but instead an understandable mistake in the midst of overload, laced with Alzheimer fear. I understand life’s juggling act and sometimes a commitment that is not usually in my schedule is often the one most difficult to keep. So, please accept God’s grace and mine, and pamper yourself with our love, dear one.”

She wrote back: “Thank you, dear Sue. God had already been talking to me about overcommitment, and this was a vivid statement about that. You are full of grace.”

I replied: “Full of grace? Takes one who has received grace to be one who gives grace. You have offered me God’s grace time and time again. I love you and do look forward to the next time our eyes meet. Our hearts have met here and that is a blessing.”

When you welcomed me and I saw your face, it was like seeing the face of God (Genesis 33:10b, CEV).
