Good morning…

I hope that every time I combine the numbers 9 and 11, I remember the life altering tragedy of September 11, 2001. One year later, on September 11, 2002 at 5:00 am, these raw words saturated my journal page:

“I know now why I’m writing in this black book. It is right. It is honorary. It is the color of today. So many vital, loving, one-of-a-kind people woke up to the last day of their lives a year ago today. Right about now, many who are no longer with us rolled out of bed and started another normal day. They didn’t know that they wouldn’t be crawling back into bed that night…and all of their loved ones, if they slept at all a year ago tonight, did so alone, in complete and utter anguish.

In deed our whole nation cried her self to sleep that night, and all the nights up until now have been painfully less restful. It’s been a humbling and horrible year for many and when the multitude grieves everyone is changed.

God woke me this morning early. The cry of my 15-month-old was not my alarm clock today. God woke me for some time to reflect, some time to revisit what this day felt like before the planes struck the U.S. buildings one year ago.

Normal. Matter-of-fact. Going through life’s motions. Gave way to shock and pain and life never being the same. It was the opposite of my natural childbirth experience. In those moments of new birth, complete physical anguish gives way in an instant to pain-free peace – a return to the common experience of living in a human body.

So many were living comfortably in their human bodies a year ago right now and they were waking up to a common day. One comment I heard yesterday was that we really don’t remember what it felt like on September 10, 2001. We were just living a normal day – a day like any other – and it’s hard to recall what “normal” was made of once it crumbles into a devastating heap.”

I hope that every time we combine the numbers 9 and 11, we remember the life altering tragedy of September 11, 2001.

Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others’ joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others’ grief], Romans 12:15 (AMP),
