Good morning…

About a week before we launched “sue2you”, I had a very vivid dream. I was at three places in the dream all at once. First, I was an overall observer of the event, second, I was the driver of the van, and, third, I was somehow inside the “power pack” in the scene. Strange, I know, but let me explain.

I was driving my van down a nearby street and I accidentally hit a squirrel. I always hate it when that happens, but this time was intensely different. Observing myself from afar, I stopped to care for the dying squirrel and I noticed inside her carcass a “power pack” still alive, still beating like a heart. In my mind, I knew I was to take that “power pack” and place it inside a new living being. Strange, I know, but let me explain.

“Ladies on Line” is our online encouragement group, which in the past three and a half years has helped me to develop into a minister of the written word. “Ladies on Line” has been a squirrel in my life. Playful. Energetic. Frolicking free. Compelled by a Force beyond me, sadly, somehow I sensed it was time to kill that squirrel. Many things of great value grow after someone or something we love dies. I knew instinctively that this death would be no different. Strange, I know, but let me explain.

The “power pack” from the heart of “Ladies on Line” is being transplanted into a new living being, “sue2you.” Acknowledging the sadness of her death is important to me. I will miss her ease. I will miss her simplicity. I will miss her growing me from an infant with some private journals to a mature daily writer sharing words with the world. In gratitude, I plant her “power pack” like a seed, preparing to be amazed at her harvest.

This image of planting a dead seed and raising a live plant is a mere sketch at best, but perhaps it will help in approaching the mystery… when we’re raised, we’re raised for good, alive forever! The corpse that’s planted is no beauty, but when it’s raised, it’s glorious. Put in the ground weak, it comes up powerful. The seed sown is natural; the seed grown is supernatural—same seed, same body, but what a difference from when it goes down in physical mortality to when it is raised up in spiritual immortality! 1 Corinthians 15: 42-44 (MSG),
