
Good morning…

I have loved rocking back and forth with you again on the front porch of our lives, enjoying interactive intimacy this first week of September. I share with you Holy Spirit wisdom from my wee morning hours, and you return to me kind words of affirmation, day after day. When I lean back to listen to this week’s online conversation, I patch together a soft, king sized quilt. Here are the top five colorful strands woven into the warmth God is knitting between us.

  1. We are grateful to be back together first thing every morning. I was so excited to see your emails again Sept 1. I missed you. Welcome back. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. So glad to have you back ? It’s so wonderful to have your “current” voice and photos to greet me again each morning. Sue, I’m so happy that you are back! Reading your posts every morning is like having a good friend with me while I have my cup of coffee. Blessings ❤️
  2. Collectively we enjoy the way God pours love through my pen onto the page. Nice post. Thank you, Sue, for your daily meditation. Sue, I am so grateful for your Divinely inspired words and ministry! They have helped me heal along the way! I have already been blessed by your new posts! Hey Sue! Just wanted to say today’s insight made me smile yet again. Your stories and messages lift me up each morning! Thank you! And speaking of Christmas, such a true gift to open your messages each morning! XO
  3. I truly appreciate your constant support of me and our written word ministry. Wow! Just a beautiful message today! Thank you! So grateful to you! Hope you had a wonderful summer. Have a great day! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for this message – just what I needed today! Love the manna message. Manna poured down on us today in Orlando! ❣️
  4. We all love the pictures now gracing our daily posts. Go, Photographer Sue! Enjoy your God given idea of fun with photos. Nice added visual dimension to your morning posts. Way cool image…invites us in. I love that you are taking photographs! Beautiful message and I love your sunset image! Can’t wait for this new visual addition each morning. Your photos are really looking great on your blogs. It adds a new dimension. Did you find that beautiful puddle in your yard? Great eye! It is a gift to see God’s magic. You have always had such an appreciation of nature and the world around you, including the simplest things like a butterfly or bird flying by. Can’t wait to see your images light up your page each morning! Learning to add pictures? You did it, girl!!!!!
  5. We give each other encouragement to walk in step with God, morning after morning. You communicate beautifully the contrast between dark and light that we all experience. The Holy Spirit uses your ministry and words speak to people’s souls! And I just love waiting on God to see what He may have in store for us one day, when our eyes finally meet face to face! Love love this message Sue!! It complements another devotional I read – do we let Jesus in our boat and wait to see what happens with expectant faith? I’ve told you before that you inspired me not to be anxious when I wake at 0darkhundred 4:00 AM -flopping around- mind racing- but rather to  be excited and look at it as God’s wake up call. He has something to tell me! I now LOVE my 4:00-6:00 time with GOD. I open my windows, make coffee and read my devotions (yours included). It is so peaceful and a great way to start the day as I find the day goes MUCH smoother as I feel his presence and guidance all day. ?

I have loved rocking back and forth with you again on the front porch of our lives, enjoying interactive intimacy this first week of September. Day after day, you pour into me as I pour into you. Then, by the will of God, I will be able to come to you with a joyful heart, and we will be an encouragement to each other (Romans 15:32, NLT).
