
Good morning…

You help me to grow in God as I help others to grow in God, who help others to grow in God. Let me explain.

Last month, for the first time, I filed taxes for our written word ministry. Having incubated for years in the womb of my church work, my husband and I birthed my early-morning posts into the world by investing in our everyday blog ministry, a ministry you now support with your gracious donations. After adding up your gratitude gifts from 2018, my first joy was tithing ten percent of our proceeds to a ministry near and dear to my heart. In honor of Nan Currie, a devoted member of our Monday Bible study group who died suddenly in January of 2018, (see In Heaven By Dinner), I made a donation to the Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) program at Ignatius House Retreat Center. As you touch on the link to this fascinating video,, you will learn that ISP provides spiritual training days and overnight retreats for women recovering from homelessness and addiction in our Atlanta area. Your gratitude gifts poured through me to help women who cannot afford the cost of these spiritual growth opportunities, life-changing opportunities that will help them to grow in God as they help their family and friends grow in God also.

I see God’s ancient promise coming true right before our eyes: “I will bless you…and you will be a blessing to others. All the families on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:2-3, NLT).


P.S. For those interested in our ministry’s 2018 financial details, gratitude gifts totaled $5,159.67, allowing me to donate $515.00 to the Ignatian Spirituality Project in Nan Currie’s honor. Professional expenses for the year totaled $5,606.52, including website design and upkeep, cost of a used point-and-shoot camera, purchasing of Lightroom and Photoshop computer programs, training hours to learn how to add and edit photos for our everyday blog, and monthly fees for our daily mail chimp emails. Next on our wishlist in 2019 is a new computer to replace this 12-year-old desktop that has carried us through glitch after glitch. As God grows in me, your kind generosity supports me as I in turn support others. Thank you so much for your ongoing gratitude gifts, gifts through which God expands the impact of our written word ministry.