
Good morning…

It was hard to leave the beach last night, turning my back to the setting sun. Who was it that said, “Parting is such sweet sorrow?”

Sweet, what a deliciously sweet week this has been. Deepening down, alone with God and our dogs, has been so fruitful, so so fantastic. Yesterday, to the sound of the unpredicted rain, I recorded my voice reading forty selected book excerpts from The Hidden Life Awakened (Crenshaw and Snapp), recordings which provide the backbone of our Waking Up Whole: Mind, Body, and Soul study. Through the discernment and discovery process, the Holy Spirit has awakened God’s wholeness within me in exciting new ways.

One thing I discovered is that waking up with you, our written word community, is a mutual, daily blessing. Knowing you are out there, craving a fresh word from the Christ in me which touches the Christ in you, this daily communion is such sweet joy. I have been praying for a handful of you awaiting important medical results, I have exchanged loving texts and emails with many of you, fueling our forever bond, and I have felt you all living vicariously with me through the sunrises and sunsets, and each moment in between.

As the Spirit of God grows thick within us, the power of the living Christ expands among us. This is a God-thing, a soulful strengthening only the Almighty God can organically orchestrate. As I awaken more whole and you awaken more whole, God’s contagious healing spreads in, among, and through us to quietly awaken others. As in a seasoned choir, our unique voices blend in unison with the wise psalmist:

Every word you give me is a miracle word—how could I help but obey? Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning. Mouth open and panting, I wanted your commands more than anything. Turn my way, look kindly on me, as you always do to those who personally love you. Steady my steps with your Word of promise so nothing malign gets the better of me (Psalm 119:129-133, MSG).

Nothing malign will get the better of us as we continue to wake up more and more whole, our steps steadied by God, from sunrise to sunset, with each sweet joy and sorrow in between. As I did a photo shoot with the sun today, I could not help but feel, “I am so grateful to have you and God waking up with me, morning by morning.”

