
Good morning…

Leaving church yesterday after a handful of life-giving conversations, this exquisite burst of colorful light danced freely on the exit doors.

“Wow, how gorgeous,” I thought to myself, then I looked to my left to see the Source of beauty. It was as if the living Christ was playing with the Giver of light, whispering, “Take a moment. Notice Me. I AM with you always.”


I stood in awe. Mesmerized. Grateful for the visual reminder of the Trinity’s powerful ever-presence.

Walking out of the building, I was drawn forward by the Light. The Warmth lit up the entrance to my favorite place on our church grounds. The prayer chapel is a separate sacred space open to all in our neighboring community, a tiny temple where small significant gatherings have taken place over the years. We have gathered around women before life-altering surgery, lifting words of longing for hope, health, and healing. We have gathered around sick children, with their parents and friends, as they have faced significant steps in a grueling cancer journey. We have laid hands on people facing difficult times, people making hard decisions, people who felt compelled to surrender all into the care of our living Lord. We have prayed for God to guide our nation through challenge after challenge.

Yesterday God drew me inside by illuminating the double door.


Once inside, I felt instantly held, humbled, at home.

I prayed for our church friends going through challenging cancer treatments. I prayed for all of those who had circled around me in this special space before to live through the unimaginable. I prayed for my friend whose mother celebrated 100 years of living this week, yet, after losing her best friend the following day, decided to stop eating and start actively dying. I prayed for a recovering heart attack victim who is just about my age, for close friends providing constant caregiving and those grieving the loss of dearly loved ones. I prayed for a huge decision being made to support vulnerable families in our community as they struggle in the grip of poverty. I prayed, “Equip me to stand with You in the gap of racial injustice, political upheaval, and scared people scaring other people.” I prayed for the church’s future, in our community and worldwide, how we ordinary individuals might embody the hands and voice of Christ.

God and I met for as long as was needed. Close. Cozy. Completely connected.


“What does prayer do?” I often wonder. “How can words lifted to our listening LORD make any difference?”

I guess yesterday I truly felt the difference, I felt the difference expand in me. I was guided by the Light into the little prayer chapel carrying with me a bundle of burdens. There I laid them down. As I quietly left the prayer chapel, I felt peace. I felt strength. I felt gratitude. I felt deeply, “We are mysteriously held by a God who bonds us all together while gradually healing us whole.”


Surrounded by refining fires raging in our everyday lives, may we lay down our own heavy heap of hurts to pick up the loving, light-filled life of Christ.

Because of this, the love of God is a reality among us: God sent His only Son into the world so that we could find true life through Him (1 John 4:9, VOICE).
