
Good morning…

As we moseyed around the State Botanical Gardens of Georgia last weekend, my friend kept saying, “You should have seen the tulips. The tulips were spectacular this year. You should have seen the tulips.”

Returning home with a phone full of photos, I crafted our April 19th blog post displaying God’s Colorful Design. Almost instantly I received encouragement: “LOVED your post this morning,” texted my dear friend Cathy Smith. “These are pictures from the State Botanical Garden from my visit on Abby’s birthday weekend in late March.”


Tulips! Tulips! And more tulips!

As many of you know, Abby, a beloved member of our church family, was diagnosed with cancer at age two and a half. Her vibrant life touched many of us with colorful joy before she went to heaven at age seven.

“Oh how incredible,” I responded. “My friend was telling me how marvelous the tulips were a few weeks back. Thanks for sharing these pictures with me. Tiptoeing through tulips, there’s no better way to celebrate Abby’s birth. How old would she have been this year?”

“17 years old,” Cathy replied.

“So amazing to think of Abby nearing the end of her high school years,” I texted back. “These photos celebrate the multiplying joy her life continues to give many of us, year after year.”

Immense beauty can be so short-lived, but savored memories linger long.

…before the dust returns to the earth that gave it and the spirit-breath returns to God who breathed it, let us remember our Creator. Life is fleeting; it just slips through your fingers. All vanishes like mist (Ecclesiastes 12:7b-8, VOICE). Before tulips and time vanish year after year, will we remember our Creator?

God is here. God is now. God is constantly forever.

