
Good morning…

“Today Danielle Coke posted a link on her Instagram account to a speech she gave at this weekend’s Q Ideas Culture Summit in Nashville,” she texted me yesterday. “9 minutes. So good.”

I trust this wise friend deeply, as together we seek to hold each other accountable to doing God’s hard and holy work with our everyday lives. For years we have been walking and talking from our “good,” through our “better,” toward God’s “very best.”

Captivated by the nine minutes that follow, my heart was tenderly touched by the honest, vulnerable talk of a young woman who is the same age of one of our kids. As you touch on the link below, I pray that God tenderizes your heart too. May the Spirit’s inner light continue to expand inside each of us, illuminating both our personal and collective pathway from our “good,” through our “better,” toward God’s “very best.”


Lord, you light my lamp; my God illuminates my darkness (Psalm 18:28, CSB).
