
Good morning…

“I think of you as I write this message on marriage,” I texted my friend at 4:47 am. “God is such a faithful husband to you and I love seeing your wholeness reclaimed from within.”

“Lovely post, Sue,” she texted back soon after. “And thank you. Love that we are already connecting this early morning.”

“Yes, I love it too,” I replied. “But I am handing you the torch – having been up a while. You will joyfully head into your day and I will climb back into bed for a bit of more sleep. Sending you my prayers, laced with my love!”

I climbed in to bed and fell fast asleep.

“For you this day from The Upper Room,” she sent me the devotional message below while I slept. Reading it when I woke again, I felt the vibrant refreshment of God’s cascading love for us all.


JUNE 7, 2021 – The Upper Room
A Green Ribbon by Pál Tünde (Pest, Hungary)

After one of my meditations appeared in Csendes Percek, the Hungarian edition of The Upper Room, I received a letter. It was from an 86-year-old woman who had read my meditation, noticed that we lived nearby, and wanted to connect. Since then, we’ve met in person and have kept in contact over the phone and through letters.

One day, another of my meditations appeared in the magazine. It was about a Bible camp where campers donned different colored ribbons — children wore orange ribbons, adults wore green. I wrote about how we’re always growing spiritually, and I wondered what color ribbon would represent my level of spiritual maturity. Would it be green to indicate a mature faith that is still growing? That day I got a call from my letter-writing friend. With enthusiasm, she said, “I understood the message about the ribbon, and I wanted to let you know that I’m doing my chores with a green ribbon on my wrist.” What a wonderful affirmation! I put on my green ribbon as encouragement for my spiritual journey. I believe God rejoices when we share our testimonies. Witnessing for God strengthens our faith and encourages others in theirs.

Heavenly Father, thank you for our spiritual brothers and sisters. Help us not to miss opportunities to share your love with others. Amen.

Who needs to hear my testimony today?


I texted my early rising friend back at 7:42 am: “What an amazing encouragement. Thanks so much for sharing. God’s impeccable timing and unmistakable surround sound sometimes make me chuckle out loud!”

“I do believe The Upper Room is written each day for me (ha, ha),” she replied. “This morning, of course, so I could pray for you and share this devotional with you. Have a wonderful day.”

Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all (Psalm 34:3, TPT).
