
Good morning…

“Hey mom, I’ll be home for lunch,” our youngest daughter said over the phone. “Can we talk about how we might use your blog to promote a project I am helping with at work?”

“Of course,” my momma heart was delighted to hear the ideas on her mind.

Working as a paid intern for this summer at a small, well established Public Relations and Marketing firm here in Atlanta, our daughter, who just graduated from the University of Georgia, is receiving amazing experience. As she described for me the fascinating project, I was quite intrigued. For their client, C.T. and Octavia Vivian Museum Archives, they are promoting a Zoom event moderated by Don Lemon, featuring Dr. Bernice King, Al Vivian, Ambassador Andrew Young, and Steven Fiffer, the co-author of a new memoir about the life work of iconic civil rights leader, Dr. C.T. Vivian.


At age 22, our daughter may be struggling with what she thinks about God, but it’s clear to me what our God thinks about her. God absolutely adores her. God is opening a way before her. God is using her creative talent to advance His healing work in our hurting world.

All of these new things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and who gave us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18, CEB).


P.S. Now we are inviting you all to this incredible virtual event, an important discussion on C.T. Vivian’s posthumous memoir, It’s in the Action: Memories of a Nonviolent Warrior. Learn with us how his life championing social justice and voting rights is more relevant now than ever. Sign up is free and, with a donation, you will receive a copy of the book. Come join us after work on Thursday! RSVP and REGISTER at the link below:

CT Vivian