
Good morning…

“THERE IS NOTHING MORE TRULY ARTISTIC THAN TO LOVE PEOPLE,” says the Vincent Van Gogh quote on the website of my new nineteen year old friend from Minnesota. Joanna’s email from yesterday made my admiring heart smile.


Hi Sue!

I hope you are having a good start to your week! I just wanted to inform you that the campaign for charity: water is launched!
If you watch the launch video (top of page) some of the footage is my own. Scroll down and if you click on “Josiah” those are all my images. In the alumni section, Max S, Nathaniel, Arav, Aadhya, Noa, and Nora are all kids I got to meet and photograph. 

Thank you for walking this journey with me!


What a joy to experience the journey of Joanna and the inspiring stories of these children she has photographed across our country, tiny heroes who are investing their young lives in charity: water, a non-profit organization seeking to bring clean drinking water to every person on our planet. In the days of desert dryness, he split open the mighty rock, and the waters flowed like a river before their very eyes. He gave them all they wanted to drink from his living springs (Psalm 78:15-16, TPT).

“THERE IS NOTHING MORE TRULY ARTISTIC THAN TO LOVE PEOPLE,” says the Vincent Van Gogh quote on the website of my new nineteen year old friend from Minnesota.

As we drink deeply from God’s living springs, might we each ask: “Which thirsty people will I artistically love today?”
