Good morning…
Because all the green leaves have been nibbled from our ivy, now our ten borrowed sheep pull up and eat the thick brown vines in our back yard. It’s been fascinating to watch these creatures eat, eat, and eat some more, eighteen hours a day they say. The sheep have learned to come to my gentle voice. I look them in the eye and rub the coarse fur on their nose and behind their ears. Our dogs have also continued to enjoy the companionship of our new friends from the farm.
“Gracie’s in love,” came the reply text from our oldest son when we sent to our kids the picture above.
“I really think she is,” my husband texted back.
I love this snapshot of small with big, white with black, dog with sheep, both bonding together from opposite sides of the fence. The image reminds me of an intriguing Scripture passage from Isaiah 11:6-9 (VOICE). The heading of this section reads: “With unwavering steps and integrity uncompromised, God will establish peace.”
A day will come when the wolf will live peacefully beside the wobbly-kneed lamb,
and the leopard will lie down with the young goat;
The calf and yearling, newborn and slow, will rest secure with the lion;
and a little child will tend them all.
Bears will graze with the cows they used to attack;
even their young will rest together,
and the lion will eat hay, like gentle oxen.
Neither will a baby who plays next to a cobra’s hole
nor a toddler who sticks his hand into a nest of vipers suffer harm.
All my holy mountain will be free of anything hurtful or destructive,
for as the waters fill the sea,
The entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Eternal.
During a time in human history when hurtful, destructive harm seems to increase every day, our only hope is to trust: with unwavering steps and integrity uncompromised, God is establishing peace. As the waters fill the sea, the entire earth is slowly being filled with the knowledge of the Eternal.
Do we have ears to hear and eyes to see God’s quiet peace expanding?