
Good morning…

As the full harvest moon slowly begins to empty and September breathes its last, I experience a strange occurrence. After taking our dogs out to relieve themselves in the middle of this night, I sit down on the couch to write. A few minutes later I hear a slow and quiet “creeeeeeeeeeeek.” Moving cautiously toward the sound, I see our front door wide open. My brain knows I must not have shut it tight, but my imagination wonders, “Is the moon whispering, Come out to play?

Walking down five red brick stairs, my bare feet find wet grass. Taking some giant giant steps forward, I turn around to snap the photo above. Standing for a while in reverent awe, I sing to myself a childhood song. “I see the moon, the moon sees me, the moon sees the one that I’d like to see. So God bless the moon and God bless me, and God bless the one that I want to see.”

Prayerfully I think of all the people I’d like to see right now. Bonding names scroll through my soul like a wish list made for Santa.

Then another old song makes me smile. After reading yesterday’s post about the moon (a part of my parents morning ritual in Ohio each day), my dad texted to remind me of a fraternity song from their college days. “Over the years I have often broken out in song when I see a crescent moon,” he wrote. “My crescent girl…you are all the world to me. Your shining face will light my way through all eternity. A love that’s true I offer you through all eternity…… Of course you kids would kind of shake your heads and roll your eyes. I know that we are living this commitment! Love, Dad.”

I truly admire how my parents are living this eternal commitment. I remember standing right beside my dad when my mom came back to life to the sound of his voice as she lay unresponsive in the ICU in March of 2022. Soon after this tearful reunion, my dad broke into song. My crescent girl…you are all the world to me. Your shining face will light my way through all eternity. A love that’s true I offer you through all eternity…… 

I no longer shake my head and roll my eyes. Instead, seeing my parents’ love through transformed eyes, I bow my head in thanks.

Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude (Colossians 4:2, MSG). Now I happen to notice the heading above this short scripture. Pray for Open Doors.

Then in the middle of the dark, move cautiously toward the sound of God’s slow and quiet “creeeeeeeeeeek.”

