
Good morning…

She emailed me after yesterday’s post, Imagine Something Better.

“So crazy, Sue,” she wrote, “my husband and I were having a similar conversation yesterday over coffee after I mentioned a quote I’d recently read that said in previous generations people used to naturally seek and focus on what we have in common with one another, but now it’s the differences that get the focus and immediately separate people and damage community. It’s really the definition of grace – seeking the best in and for others.”

Turn away from differences, away from separating people, away from damaging community. Turn toward focusing on what we have in common, toward giving grace, toward seeking the best in and for others. I recall the line concluding yesterday’s post. “In this tumultuous time, we need to be ‘for’ God’s greater good, not merely ‘against’ what is wrong.”

Soon after receiving her email, I went on my morning walk. Happening by remnants of this week’s fireworks, I snapped a picture.


As I revisit it now, the photo seems oddly visionary. What are the only words coming into our focus? “Justice For All.”

The future bodes well for him who is generous in helping those in need and who conducts his affairs with justice (Psalm 112:5, NCB).

After an explosive week, let’s imagine something better. Might we give grace, seeking the best in and for others? Let’s ask ourselves, “How might I be generous in helping those in need?” Together, we are working toward justice for all. The future bodes well for us, as we focus on what we have in common, being “for” God’s greater good, not merely “against” what is wrong.


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