
Good morning…

Sarah Otto, the Retreat and Program Director at Ignatius House Retreat Center, reached out to me on Tuesday morning. “I realize I didn’t text you about an upcoming ISP retreat!” she wrote. (Remember, ISP stands for Ignatian Spirituality Project, a program which offers quarterly spiritual retreats for people recovering from homelessness and addiction in our community). “We’ve got a women’s overnight next week: August 6-7. Will it be possible for your ministry group to provide welcome bags again? We’ll have 15 women.”

Having checked in with a few regular volunteers, by day’s end I texted Sarah back our “Yes, we’re happy to help.”

Then the next morning, the weekly Ignatius House devotional email arrived in my inbox, and Sarah shared loving words in the video below. I was touched by her concluding prayer.

God of love,
you call us by name and love us beyond measure.
Help us to move from simply knowing about your love to knowing you,
and truly experiencing and relishing your love within our hearts.
Grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in our everyday life,
so that we may see your presence in all things
and understand the depth of your love for us,
a love that is not just universal, but unique and personal.

While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5b, CSB).

Taking five quiet minutes, I invite you to listen to Sarah, a beloved daughter, as she gently shares the voice of love enveloping us all.


P.S. If you would like to contribute to the 15 unique and personal welcome bags placed in the private rooms of the ISP retreatants, please reach out to me and I will share with you the wish-list items. Thank you for keeping in your prayers the precious women who will be touched by the love of God on this overnight retreat August 6th and 7th.