
Good morning…

For years and years and years, I have taught Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, for years and years and years. Then in May, my friend said, “Why don’t you consolidate your classes so you’ll have more time to go to Ohio to visit with your parents?”

I checked with the regulars on my rosters, and sure enough, people were fine with shifting classes to Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and Thursday mornings. This long weekend was my first time trying my new rhythm, traveling Thursday afternoon to Sunday night.

Relaxing with my parents was wonderful. Breakfasts at the kitchen table. Catching up on life. Short walks to a nearby bench. A long drive to Lake Erie. Butter pecan ice cream in the car. Enjoying a sing along from Broadway musicals. My mom’s doctor visit. My dad’s new phone fiasco. A dinner with my sister. A dinner with my brother. Talking with my uncle in California. Napping a bit each day. Watching news, sports, and game shows each night. Sleeping on their couch, just the right size for me. Attending the church where I grew up. Out for Mexican food for Sunday lunch. Watching the Cleveland Guardians win two exciting games. Drop off and pick up at the airport, fifteen minutes away.


All weekend long we embodied Hebrews 13:16 (MSG). Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of “sacrifice”—that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.

Every day I took a long walk alone, meandering through the gorgeous campus of their senior living community. The final night I took several photos as the sun was setting, sharing them with my parents when I returned to their villa.


When I got back to Atlanta, I checked my phone, and look what my parents sent. Because I would miss it myself, my dad took a picture on his new phone and they shared with me the bountiful beauty of last night’s setting sun.

What joy lives in simple pleasures!

