
Good morning…

The bottom fell out of the sky last week, as Hurricane Helene’s flooding rains and devastating winds upended normal life for many in Georgia and for our neighbors in surrounding states. These photos show the impact across our nearby neighborhood. The delicious Canoe restaurant, where we often enjoy happy hour beside the Chattahoochee River. Across the riverbank, The Lovett School’s football field, completely under water. Flooded was the lower part of our old Cochise neighborhood, where we raised our kids when they were little. My daily dog walk to the horse farm exposed standing mud and receding waters, with hungry, hungry horses.


One of our women’s Bible studies from Northside Church sent out a plea for help on Saturday morning. “If you have extra time today, our fellow Bible Study member, had bad flooding in their home and needs helping hands. Please bring gloves and know that it’s very muddy. Many hands make light work!”

On Sunday these grateful words were expressed: “What a blessing all of you are! Your support in prayer and boots on the ground are amazing! My husband and I were overwhelmed at the support we got with the clean up yesterday. Totally amazed! The muck to get out of the house and off our belongings was thick and messy, but i can not believe how it is almost gone! (She named a few of the rockstar helpers.) We have cleared out the 1st floor, cleanup almost done – and the industrial fans and dehumidifiers will arrive today! Thank you for all the thoughtfulness from near and afar. You are all a blessing, and i only hope that i can bless each of you in return.”

Also yesterday came an email with this subject line: “Disaster Response Call Out to Serve – Hurricane Helene Victims.” The letter from a longtime Northside Church member offered an open invitation.


Disaster Response Team and Friends,

We have received a request to serve neighbors across South Georgia in the path of Hurricane Helene. Currently we anticipate being hosted at Camp Tygart, a Methodist Church Camp located in Ray City, GA.

ERT Certification is not required to serve on this trip.

Departure: Tuesday, October 1. Based on current availability of core volunteers we expect to have a portion of the team depart early morning and others in the afternoon.

Return: Friday, October 4.

This will be a joint church deployment. Roswell UMC and Peachtree City UMC currently have volunteers joining the team.

As always, food, housing and equipment will be provided. You only need to provide the service, clothing, bedding and toiletries.

If you are available to serve, please contact me ASAP as we are pulling the food and other logistics together. Further details will then be shared with those who confirm availability.

Blessings, Mark Brown, 770-722-6811


Then just as I was finishing this message, my husband let me know that a Lovett grad and his wife and kids are displaced from their home due to flooding. “I invited them over for dinner tonight,” he said. “I’m not sure if they will take us up on the offer, but I figured I would ask.” We both really hope they take it us up on our spontaneous offer.

Many, many people across several states are experiencing the pain expressed in Psalm 130:1 (MSG). “Help God – the bottom has fallen out of my life! Master, hear my cry for help!” Sometimes the help of God comes through the church in the form of hands-on neighbors, near and far, stepping close knee deep in mud.

As we begin this new week, let’s keep in our minds and in our prayers all of the hurricane victims and their generous helpers. Might we each find ways to spontaneously step close when the bottom falls out on our neighbors?


P.S. It seems to me KIND30, the grassroots movement with the tagline “Kindness Is Needed Daily” which was scheduled to start October 1st, began a weekend early.

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