
Good morning…

Much like the moon, her fullness is glowing. After yesterday’s post – “It’s Cancer.” – she put words to God’s slow, steady process of healing her whole.

“Dear Sue,” she wrote. “God is still molding me. Even though more refining fires are needed to purify me, I am aware of and grateful for his guidance over the years, especially these last four since my husband died. Just last night as I returned home from a wonderful trip to see my youngest and her husband, I was very aware of how much more comfortable I am being alone. Returning to a home full of memories no longer stings. My outlook has shifted to one of gratefulness once again. I feel more like myself again but wiser.”

“Every step and breath, every challenge is appreciated,” she explained. “I have enjoyed an absolutely lovely life. Love and joy abound. Yes, I still miss my soulmate and the life we had; however, I find that now when I look back and forward, it is not sadness that overwhelms me but thankfulness.”

I admire God’s luminosity shining through her long, painful season in the darkness. I sense her soul whisper: He knows the course I have traveled. And I believe that were He to prove me, I would come out purer than gold from the fire (Job 23:10, VOICE).

Much like the moon, her fullness is glowing.


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