
Good morning…

Audrey DeShetler has been living with neuroblastoma since she was five and a half years old. Now she is a freshman at Notre Dame, loving her new friends and her college experience.

“She is doing so well at ND,” her mom wrote yesterday. “She has a group of friends who include her in everything. They have long talks in the group. With medical treatments, she misses about 30% of her classes. Even when she’s there, she doesn’t feel well. Currently she has four A’s and one B.”


Yesterday, Audrey’s dad wrote a new Facebook post (in its entirety, see below).

“Audrey came home yesterday for her week long fall break,” explains Ben. “She will have cancer scans (Tuesday and Wednesday), along with inpatient infusions and drs visits this week in Atlanta. This is such a pivotal week for her. We pray that her cancer scans are clear and that her lungs are stabilizing. We desperately hope that this new treatment will start improving her lung functioning. We can tell that her energy level has been dropping slowly and it scares us. Everyday she struggles to walk and she’s constantly coughing. It breaks our heart. We ask for prayers of wisdom and hope and healing. I still believe God has a plan for Audrey’s healing, but it’s so hard to watch her slowly suffer the symptoms of her lung disease.”

During this pivotal week, let’s join the DeShelters in prayer, for wisdom, for hope, for healing.

But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength.
They will soar on wings as eagles.
They will run—never winded, never weary.
They will walk—never tired, never faint (Isaiah 40:31, VOICE).

Thank you for lifting prayers for trust in the Eternal One and Audrey’s regaining of strength.


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