
Good morning…

I am touched by the final line in a poem I met yesterday.

uncertain wind

stirring the leaves:

this is

the world we have:

take it

– A. R. Ammons

I think to myself, “Would I take another wind if it was more certain, more predictable, more limited to my control? Would I want a God who lets me be god? Would I want to be in charge of everything, everywhere, every moment of every day, every moment of every night?”

If my answer is “no”, then I need to take it. I need to take this uncertain wind. I need to unfurl my small sail into the uncomfortable unknown, trusting this wind, which blows where it pleases, wherever it pleases. Unexpectedly picking up great speed. Sometimes slowing to nearly a stop. On the move always, always powerfully at play beyond my control.

Uncertain wind stirring the leaves, this is the world we have. For better or for worse. This is the world we have. Take it. Please. Take it and use it for Your eternal purposes. Take us and use us for Your generous purposes.

Please, take me and use me for Your unpredictable purposes. 

So, we do not lose heart, we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace (2 Corinthians 4:16, MSG).

Today, will we choose to lift the sail of our soul into this gracious, uncertain wind?

Take us. Use us. Please. Amen.


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