
Good morning…

Ginny Owens is a blind singer who relies on God as her vision. “Owens was born in Jackson, Mississippi, with poor eyesight and has been blind since the age of three,” says Wikipedia.

In her own words, Ginny explains her situation: “I inherited everything from cataracts to glaucoma to just several things that were not great. I did have a limited amount of sight so I could see people and colours. I was learning my colours. And when I went in for a surgery at three, it was what they call the cryotherapy treatment, which is kind of a freezing treatment. And the doctor thought it would sort of at least maintain my vision and turned out it actually took my vision away. Also it turned out he was not a good doctor.”

Not a good doctor. Not a successful surgery. Not what you hope for any three year old child. Yet our hearts will be deeply touched by Ginny’s moving rendition of Be Thou My Vision, the familiar hymn which has washed over us in various forms this week.

With God as our vibrant vision, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people (Ephesians 1:18, NIV).
