
Good morning…

Yesterday I woke in deep prayer for the families and friends of the two young fathers from our community who died in a horrific helicopter crash. As I waited for our microwave to heat up some day-old coffee, words from a hymn repeated often in our childhood church strangely sang up through the sorrow in my soul.

“Great is thy faithfulness LORD unto me.”

Might God’s great faithfulness to these grieving families somehow be evident to all?

Nudged by the Spirit, I found a music video of this tried and true song and I texted it to the friend who had called me the day before to process the devastating tragedy. (“You are the first person I thought to call,” she said. “I knew you would know just what to say.”) This young mom who has been with me in Bible studies at our church for years is also a dear, dear friend of one of the women grieving the loss of her incredible husband, the father of their two elementary-aged kids.

Later in the day my friend asked if I might come by for a visit with this young mom I personally had yet to meet, a profound privilege in a time of great need. After our brief talk I said to her what I was sensing so strongly, “There seems to be such love in your home.”

I absolutely adored my tender time of listening to the mother and the aunt of the young man who had died, a detailed and difficult account of the surreal situation. Until I heard the whole heartbreaking story, I did not know that the helicopter went down in a densely wooded forest in middle Georgia, much like the setting in the music video I had texted in the morning, the video I now share below.

Might the warm light beaming down from above offer tangible hope to each sorrow-filled soul?

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him” (Lamentations 3:22-24, ESV).
