Good morning…
Look. A little light shines in the dark of this night. Just enough light sets a single blanket aglow, on the back of a chair beams one simple throw. How this happens, God, I don’t know. I don’t know, but I do notice.
After snapping the photo of this perfect patch of light, I open an email and admire a single sentence. Prompted by the life and writings of Thomas Merton, Sophfronia Scott asks: “What else might we see more clearly if we could hold our stuff more loosely?”
If we could hold our sleep more loosely. If we could hold our fears more loosely. If we could hold our knowing it all, being it all, accomplishing it all more loosely. Maybe, just maybe, we are given what we need.
Might just enough light somehow surprise us even on the darkest of nights?
By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path (Psalm 119:105, MSG).