
Good morning…

Neuroblastoma, a type of cancer that develops in immature nerve tissue, usually affects children under the age of five. In the spring of 2006, I began working at Northside Church in the Children’s Ministry. Then in January of 2008, I became the Women’s Ministry Director. Throughout my time at Northside, I have been deeply affected by the challenges of neuroblastoma, as we as a church have walked closely beside the families of Abby Smith and Audrey DeShelter. Now there is another family embroiled in treatment for neuroblastoma. We are supporting with our prayers and our presence three year old Eliza.

Through the hard, jagged ups and downs of life, I feel privileged to take the nighttime shift of prayer on behalf of these precious ones.

Tonight, I pray the prayer the kids recited aloud at the end of the children’s message in church on Sunday.

Thank you, God, for love so true,
For all we have and all we do.
Pour your grace on us this day
In your light, we find our way.

The way of the good person is like the light of dawn. It grows brighter and brighter until it is full daylight (Proverbs 4:18, ICB).


P.S. First photo by Heike Mintel on Unsplash.

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