Good morning…
My parents’ performance of “Guys and Dolls” at their senior living community near Cleveland, Ohio was priceless, just priceless. The joy filling the room was palpable as I soaked in the experience with my sister and her family.

As our mom waved and high-fived us exited the stage and our dad enjoyed playing the lead male role, there was so much to celebrate about life and love and taking a creative risk. We don’t know how many days we will be on this earth, so why not spend time expanding ourselves into places of fresh joy?
One of their friends, Kate, began rehearsals with them in March and went to heaven before she had a chance to perform. The show was dedicated to Kate, and, at her funeral, the cast members sang “A Bushel & A Peck” from the musical. As my signed program reminds me, “Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you.”
Here’s what you say to those wealthy in regard to this age: “Don’t become high and mighty or place all your hope on a gamble for riches; instead, fix your hope on God, the One who richly provides everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17, VOICE).