Good morning…
As I sip my morning coffee, I notice a swirl in the weathered wood. My mind is drawn back to a Soul Collage card I created earlier in the week. The powerful swirl of hurricane winds imitate the pattern of the knotted wood. Now that you have gathered our attention, Lord, what might you teach us on this brand new morning?

Severe, swirling storms happen in life, as high winds unexpectedly rise up. Day after day, we wait in a long line of people experiencing the crumbling of old sources of security and the dream-lives we have built with our hopeful minds. What do we do when our cherished stability is shaken?
We can stand single-file, waiting, alone. Crossing our arms around our own chest. Clinging to our phones, our purses, our briefcases. Looking down and away, eluding all eye contact. Yet God has designed us to live in community, to connect with each other, to come together in crisis. On this given day, how might we use our minds and our arms, our chest and our eyes to hold, to heal, to help?

Might we lean back, look up, and notice the presence of God growing thick between us? Feeding us delicacies amid our differences. Throwing to us a life-saving rope. Connecting us to the oxygen tank of the Spirit. Somehow God is in today’s storms and in the rising sun and in the redeeming rescue plan. Will we lean back, look up, and notice God’s presence, feeding, connecting, breathing through our minds and our arms, our chest and our eyes to hold, to heal, to help?

We cannot see or say our own way forward, but together we can sense our the hidden path opening before our bare feet. Might we pledge our allegiance to the God who is our strongest security, both now and forevermore?
Lean on,
trust in,
and be confident in the Lord
with all your heart and mind
and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know,
and acknowledge Him,
and He will direct
make straight
your paths.
– Proverbs 3:4-6, AMPC
With all our heart and all our mind, we sense the Spirit, holding, healing, helping from within. Let’s face the swirling winds of change together, trusting in the greater guidance of God.