Good morning…
My husband Steve is a multi-faceted guy. Husband and father. Son and brother. High school teacher, chaplain, and wrestling coach. Good friend, loyal listener, and honest communicator. But one thing you may not know about Steve is this: he loves leading groups on trips to Israel. Every other year, Steve shepherds Lovett students in footprints left by Jesus. The opposite year he leads life-giving adventure with adults from our community. One of the hardest parts of COVID for him was cancelling his kids trip in the summer and his adult trip to Israel last spring.
With COVID numbers beginning to drop and air travel picking up, people are signing up for a trip to Israel with Steve this spring 2022. Just this week he sent out the following invitation.
If you have ever wanted to go to the most amazing place in the world, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Come with me to Israel.
On this trip, you will have the chance to:
Swim in the Dead Sea
Wade in the Jordan River
Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee
Step into the Garden Tomb
Visit the Western Wall
Climb to the top of the rock fortress Masada
Walk in the Garden of Gethsemane
Relax in the Mediterranean Sea
Shop in ancient city of Jerusalem
I am currently making plans for a trip to Israel March 3 to March 13, 2022. Israel opened up to tourists on September 19, 2021 as long as all participants travel together in a group of 5-30 people, arrive and depart together, and are fully vaccinated.
The attached flyer gives details for the trip. To secure your spot, send an email to sallen@lovett.org as soon as possible. We have spots available but need to move fast to book our flights. Contact me this week if interested. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you. Israel Awaits!!!!
Steve Allen
404 402 3540
For a PDF of the detailed flyer, please reach out to me or to Steve.
I have never been to Israel myself, and one of the blessings of our empty nest is that I will be joining Steve for the first time on this March trip to Israel. Please prayerfully consider this possibility and contact us if Israel 2022 might be on your “MINE to do list!”
After Jesus returned, he walked along Lake Galilee and then climbed a mountain and took his place, ready to receive visitors. They came, tons of them, bringing along the paraplegic, the blind, the maimed, the mute—all sorts of people in need—and more or less threw them down at Jesus’ feet to see what he would do with them. He healed them. When the people saw the mutes speaking, the maimed healthy, the paraplegics walking around, the blind looking around, they were astonished and let everyone know that God was blazingly alive among them (Matthew 15:29-31, MSG).
Exploring the timeless terrain of Israel, we too will be astonished, letting everyone know that God is blazingly alive among us.