Good morning…
The complex matrix of needs in the life of children today are supported in tangible ways through the teachers within our classrooms. Teaching is often a thankless job, like changing diapers, preparing daily meals, and cleaning endless piles of dirty clothes. School is a second home for many and teachers are passionate pseudo parents to the kids growing up in our communities.
Teachers remind me of Brother Lawrence, the humble monk at the center of an old classic, The Practice of the Presence of God. Of him it is written: “No conceited scholar was Brother Lawrence; theological and doctrinal debates bored him, if he noticed them at all. His one desire was communion with God. We find him worshiping more in his kitchen than in his cathedral.”
“Lord of all pots and pans and things… make me a saint by getting meals and washing up plates,” he would pray, “…and he could say, ‘The time of business does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and chatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees as the blessed sacrament.'” (p. 11-12)
Our teachers are surrounded each day by several kids at the same time calling for different things, and so many of them possess God in great tranquility as they play second parents to the children in our community.
LaTonya Gates, founder of PAWkids, loved Corinne’s photos of the kids highlighted in yesterday’s blog post Fun Mother’s Day Gifts. First thing in the morning, LaTonya texted us, “I have no words … these are breathtaking my friend.”
Within the hour she called me to share a brilliant idea. “With the extra 4×6 photos of the kids,” she said, “maybe we can frame one for each of the kids to give to their teacher for Teacher Appreciate Week this week.”
What an awesome opportunity! For so many talented teachers “the time of business does not differ from the time of prayer.” It is fun to support the kids in our community as they express appreciation for the humble teachers who are being made into saints within our midst.
Do your work with enthusiasm [willingly; cheerfully]. Work as if you were serving the Lord, not people (Ephesians 6:7, EXB).
P.S. What a great response we had to yesterday’s request for 5×7 frames and donations made to our Gratitude Gift link to offset the cost of this fun PAWkids Mother’s Day project. Now we are open to receiving 4×6 frames for these Teacher Appreciation Week gifts given by the kids. Reach out to me personally if you have frames to share by touching on the “Note to Sue” link below or texting me at 404-401-8317.