Good morning…
I brought home this interesting page of facts from our therapeutic community group at PAWkids last week.
It’s normal to…
….be sad from time to time for no reason.
…not have everything together.
…feel unsure, confused, or not to know.
…feel ugly some days and cute other days.
…have been unprepared for how things turned out.
…have tough days.
…not always be happy.
…fluctuate in weight.
…be more productive on some days and less on others.
As I got home and tried to carry too many things in from the car all at once, I added another thing to our list.
It’s normal to spill coffee on your “YOU’RE HUMAN” sheet.
As we take time to read back through this list, which “normal” human traits most grab your attention? Why might these particular statements pique your interest? Ponder with God, “Why this? Why now?”
Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer: “Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. You’ve concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people. Yes, Father, that’s the way you like to work” (Matthew 11:25-26, MSG).
Trusting that God is at work in our humbling humanness, might we breathe more freely as we live into this normal day?
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