
Good morning…

Audrey DeShelter has lived in my deepest prayers since she was diagnosed with cancer at age five. She is now an amazing young woman, a spectacular student heading into her senior year of high school. Her mom, Jennifer, was in my Bible study at the time Audrey’s neuroblastoma was detected, and we have been closely bonded, soul to soul, through the highs and lows of this long cancer journey. Many of you will remember our fabulous blog post from February 15, 2023, Audrey Tells Her Cancer Story. What a high. So much abundance to celebrate.

On Friday, June 30, 2023, we hit another deep low. “Audrey had a routine scan this morning,” Jennifer texted our Fab Five friend group. “They think she might have relapsed. I am so scared.”

We prayed her through follow-up scans last Wednesday morning and by evening we received Jennifer’s text confirming Audrey’s fourth relapse. “Just got the news. It’s actually worse than Friday. We finally told Audrey the complete picture. She is absolutely devastated. She will be a senior this fall. She doesn’t want to miss her whole year of school again. We are all heartbroken.”

On Monday, Jennifer posted about their desperate need for prayers (see Facebook post below).

“I am so so sorry you are hitting roadblocks everywhere, Jennifer,” I texted. “No courtesy. Nothing else to offer. Cluelessness. Feels so painful to be shut down again and again and again. I read your Facebook post. Raw, real honesty is important to share, sparking prayers in all directions. I am hoping this helps open a way forward for your family. Would you like me to craft a blog including your FB post, asking fervently for prayers? Who knows how God might use our blog to spur people near and far into prayerful action? We love you, Jennifer, and are close knit in Spirit.”

“Thank you, Sue,” she replied. “Prayers are always needed. Especially now, since my mind is clouded whenever I try to talk to God.”

Stepping in the sacred gap created by Jennifer’s clouded mind, I invite you to join us in prayer for Audrey and the DeShetlers as they make very difficult decisions. Pray that God will open a healing path forward. So bow down under God’s strong hand; then when the time comes, God will lift you up. Since God cares for you, let Him carry all your burdens and worries (1 Peter 5:6-8, VOICE).


P.S. If you are drawn to understand in detail the challenges facing this faithful family, here is Jennifer’s Facebook post from this week.
