
Good morning…

The calming voice of my spiritual director soothed me from over the phone. She read to me aloud from a special translation of Psalm 19 by Stephen Mitchell. Later she texted me the words and I read and re-read their beauty in the comfort of my own home. Now I ask you to give yourself the gift of reading them slowly and aloud to yourself that you too might feel God spread through you wherever you wake on this new day.


Home. The sensation of home lands like a deep breath inside our weary soul. Much like church, home is not about four walls. Wherever we wander, whatever’s been done, God yearns to be our home.

God is here. God is now. God is our forever home.

An old beloved song wells up from within to keep us company today as we breathe our way through this complex time in human history. Sit back and relax. Close your eyes and listen for the loving voice of our living Lord.
