Dr. Suess

Good morning…

As I put my feet in my shoes yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed a socially distanced walk and talk with a dear, dear friend. She introduced me to an acronym I had never met before, an acronym recently shaping her evening prayer time.

G.L.A.D. stands for Grateful. Learning. Accomplish. Delight. She ponders the following questions with God before drifting to sleep.

“For what or for whom am I grateful today?”

“What new things am I learning right now?”

“What did God and I accomplish with this 24 hours?”

“Reflecting on the day, what brings me delight?”





Might we also be G.L.A.D. with God before drifting to sleep?

Often at night I lie in bed and remember You, meditating on Your greatness till morning smiles through my window (Psalm 63:6, VOICE).


P.S. After waking up to our blog post this morning, my friend texted:


I am

GRATEFUL for our friendship.

LEARN so much about walking with God from you.

ACCOMPLISH growth when we walk and talk.

DELIGHT in your company.

I am GLAD we are friends together.


Isn’t it exciting to see our collaborative conversations with God spreading out to grow mutual blessing?