Good morning…
“God Works While We Wait,” says the ornament in a pristine box. But waiting feels like being stuck, and being stuck feels yuck.
“If you get stuck, lower your standards,” my mentor said nonchalantly.
If You Get Stuck by Sue Allen
If you get stuck, lower your standards.
Breathe deep, intentionally.
Open space.
Wait still.
Wait more.
Slow down
to the speed of God.
When the wind picks up,
(which it somehow does)
simply lift your inner sail.
In time,
we inch,
we move,
we are unstuck,
as God’s Spirit carries us forward.
Being stuck feels yuck and in our waiting we surrender.
“God Works While We Wait,” says the ornament in the pristine box.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord (Psalm 27:14, NLT).

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