Good morning…
Might it be time to break out of your shell? We can learn important lessons from a baby chick.
The protective shell, which has been strong enough to shield the creature from the outside world, eventually becomes permeable. As the maturing bird absorbs calcium from the egg, her bones grow stronger, stronger, stronger. Additional calcium is transferred from the shell to the beak, developing a sturdy tool for the process of breaking through. Pecking, pecking, pecking, the baby bird is finally freed into the fresh air of an expansive world. With each peck, the bird strengthens her neck, empowered to hold her head up high as she gradually learns to fly.
We, too, are invited to break out of our protective shell. Absorbing everything we need from God, in our bones we gather strength. We form. We grow. We develop. Mind. Body. Spirit. Quietly, over time, what was once comforting becomes confining. Gaining inner courage, we are made for expansion. Old barriers break open. Fresh air fills our lungs. Freedom spreads our wings. Holding our head up high, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to thrive in the outside world. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles (Isaiah 40:31a, MSG).
How might we relate to this fascinating video of a baby bird breaking free?