Good morning…

As we walked around the horse farm at an early morning hour, my friend said the same sentence that had woken me from sleep. “You forgot two holes.” She and the Holy Spirit were exactly right, in my post yesterday, “Five holes in our head,” I forgot to mention that we each have two nostrils. Revealing a keen sense of humor, I suppose God wants to give our two forgotten holes a post all their own.

But why? Why would the LORD spur me to write a morning message about nostrils?

Spontaneously, a song begins playing in my head. Through The Lost Dog’s song “Breathe Deep the Breath of God” the fresh air of the Holy Spirit offers abundant life to every nostril. In our world of wild drama and wide division, the breath of God filling our lungs may be our only common ground. Experience this video to breathe in God’s breath anew.

Breathe Deep (the breath of God) by the Lost Dogs – YouTube

May we live into the words of Job, spoken in his time of chaotic trouble,
“…as long as I have life within me,
the breath of God in my nostrils,
my lips will not say anything wicked,
and my tongue will not utter lies” (Job 27:3-4, NIV).
