Good morning…
Today, my friend will bury her son. Dying an untimely death at age 23, Josh was her only child, the love of her life. Her Josh and our Jeremiah were on the same wrestling team in high school, so the thought of burying her son today hits very close to home for me. Josh’s obituary chronicles his vibrant life, and, still waiting on the autopsy report, they don’t know why he didn’t wake up in his Savannah apartment a few Thursdays ago. With more questions than answers, I head into this day.
Why would God allow the death of a talented, faithful 23 year old while choosing to bring back to life my 86 year old mom this week? How might God divinely heal Audrey DeShetler at age nineteen and take to heaven a young man just four years older? Knowing that all of us will eventually leave this earth, is there any way to make any sense of those who live and those who die each day?
The Eternal One responds.
My intentions are not always yours,
and I do not go about things as you do.
My thoughts and My ways are above and beyond you,
just as heaven is far from your reach here on earth.
For as rain and snow can’t go back once they’ve fallen,
but soak into the ground
And nourish the plants that grow,
providing seed to the farmer and bread for the hungry,
So it is when I declare something.
My word will go out and not return to Me empty,
But it will do what I wanted;
it will accomplish what I determined.
For you will go out in joy, be led home in peace.
And as you go the land itself will break out in cheers;
The mountains and the hills will erupt in song,
and the trees of the field will clap their hands (Isaiah 55:8-12, VOICE).
God’s intentions, God’s ways, God’s thoughts are higher and more expansive than mine, so I am left with a few simple questions. Will I trust God or not? Will I believe that, even in seasons of suffering, that growth is continuing and deep hunger is being fed? If God accomplishes what God determines, might each of us, with all creation, eventually go out in joy and actually be led home in peace?
In today’s service, I will have the privilege of reading the words my friend has written in tribute to her only son. If she somehow feels the strength to speak herself, she will share her own words at the last minute. Please keep this grieving family and Josh’s many friends wrapped in your prayers throughout this this day and forevermore.
P.S. I believe in the gracious goodness of our living LORD, and the lyrics of this Audrey Assad song help to soothe my places of unbelief.
[Verse 1]
The fullness of the Godhead knit with our humanity
Flesh and bones sewn in the heart of God inseparably
I know, I know, and I believe You are the Lord
I know, I know, and I believe You are the Lord
[Verse 2]
Strange and sweet collision of justice and mercy
Your burden is light and Your yoke is easy
I know, I know, and I believe that You are the Lord
I know, I know, and I believe that You are the Lord
Help my unbelief
Help my unbelief
[Verse 3]
O happy fault that gained for me the chance to know you, Lord
To touch Your wounded side and know the joy of my reward
I know, I know, and I believe that You are the Lord
I know, I know, and I believe that You are the Lord
Help my unbelief
Help my unbelief
Help my unbelief
Help my unbelief