Good morning…
One sentence lingers from yesterday’s post, Never Seen This Before. “As I looked up and around, to my surprise, we were surrounded by a huge flock of red birds.” Never having seen this many cardinals all in one place, I came home from the snowy walk with our dog and googled the question, “Do cardinals live in flocks?”
Here is what I learned.
“Cardinals become more social and gregarious in the fall and winter after the breeding season is finished,” said one detailed article. “In addition, hormonal changes likely make the birds less aggressive, as they no longer need to defend their nests and offspring. Moreover, food becomes scarcer in winter, and group foraging becomes necessary. In stark contrast to the summer, cardinals may even roost communally in the winter!”
Cardinals are fiercely independent birds, until breeding season is finished and they no longer need their strong defenses. In the winter, they notice their hunger and realize the benefit of finding nourishment together. Internal changes make them less aggressive, more social and gregarious. Roosting communally makes the harsh season bearable.
After our post one reader wrote: “Good Morning Sue, This is truly beautiful and one to be framed! It’s also fitting in with Henri Nouwen’s devotional today ‘Come and See.’ Thank you, always.”
I asked if she might send Nouwen’s wisdom. Here is what she sent.
“Come and see. Look around. Get to know me,” Jesus invites each of us into oneness.
We are fiercely independent people, until our exhausting phase of “trying to make things happen in our own strength” is finished. When the moment is right, the strong defenses of our false self – comparing, competing, complaining, criticizing, controlling – these old defenses begin to fall away. A new realization dawns: “My self-sufficiency is no longer need.” When we are immersed in the harsh conditions of winter, we notice our own deep hunger. We surrender our way for the ways of God. We discover the joy of finding nourishment together. As aggression gives way to inner peace, we grow more social and more gregarious. Roosting communally with Jesus and one another makes the most treacherous seasons in life much more bearable. Actually, embodying God’s original design, living in oneness makes every season delightful!
All of this transformation begins with our response to the whisper of Jesus, “Come and see. Look around. Get to know me, my friends.”
Come and witness the True God’s endless works. His miraculous deeds done on behalf of humanity inspire… (Psalm 66:5, VOICE).