What I Am Learning This Week

Good morning... This midwinter week, what am I learning about the seamless dance between living fully and dying well? Monday: The wise words of Martin Luther King, Jr. leave a life-giving legacy, inviting us all up the mountain to God's higher way. Tuesday: Blending the wisdom of my Florida friend Betty Skinner, as she nears her 93rd birthday, with [...]

By |2019-01-28T05:47:10-05:00January 26th, 2019|Abundance, Aging, Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, Trust God|

Aging Into Abundance

Good morning... I love the unifying murmuration of Holy Spirit power I feel with Betty Skinner as she nears 93 years old and with Kitty Crenshaw and Dr. Cathy Snapp, the authors of The Hidden Life Awakened, the captivating book chronicling Betty's journey from deep clinical depression to the height of God's healing to wholeness. Together we also [...]

By |2019-01-22T06:46:09-05:00January 23rd, 2019|Abundance, Aging, God's Plan, Holy Spirit, Transformation|

Live Well Before Dying

Good morning... Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us how to live well before dying. I noticed a huge pile of wisdom adding up about the delicate dance between living fully and dying well, as I researched the 123 favorite MLK quotes for yesterday's post (touch 'Previous' above to revisit). These priceless pebbles of truth continue to ripple out [...]

By |2019-01-22T06:52:46-05:00January 22nd, 2019|Aging, Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, God's Love|

When Grief Taints Our Holidays

Good morning... "I'll have a Blue Christmas without you," Elvis Presley sang into our hearts with his 1964 single, the year after I was born. As I have aged into deeper awareness, I wonder, "When people lose loved ones during the holiday season, is Christmas always tainted with the blue of grief?" Something within me feels an answer [...]

By |2019-01-04T09:53:57-05:00January 5th, 2019|Aging, Faith, God's Love, Grief, Light In Darkness|

Being Rubbed Real

Good morning... The day she left a wrapped gift on my doorstep, I could not wait to rush home to feel with my fingers this fresh fractal of God from my friend Lisa West. Lisa had diligently worked for years preparing to self-publish her book Fear Not! The True Story of a Cancer Survivor Who Was Healed and [...]

By |2018-12-13T09:07:48-05:00December 13th, 2018|Aging, Authenticity, Everyday life, God's Plan, Transformation|

Savor This Sunday: Witness God

Good morning... As we savor this Sunday, some college football fans wake elated, others wake frustrated, yet all of us wake up to witness the presence God. As we harness this new habit of peering back before moving forward, we review the week we have experienced together through our everyday blog. Our focus phrase is: Witness God. Enjoy [...]

By |2018-12-01T23:42:10-05:00December 2nd, 2018|Aging, Awareness, Everyday life, God's Love, Letting Go|

Aging Is Hard

Good morning... "Aging is really, really hard," 92 year old Betty Skinner admits as we share lunch in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Her eyesight has dimmed. Her hearing is weak. The energy she used to take full advantage of has diminished. Yet contagious joy still beams through her presence. Irresistible. Unmistakable. Captivating calm. "People think they come to see me," [...]

By |2018-12-01T17:03:27-05:00December 1st, 2018|Aging, God's Love, Gratitude, Letting Go, Trust God|

Aging Beautifully

Good morning... From Orlando, today I will drive two and a half hours to Ponte Vedra, Florida to share lunch with 92 year old Betty Skinner. It will be my third lunch with Betty, a tiny, tenacious woman who exhales God's joyous peace with each treasured breath. Nearing the end of her life, Betty shares a beautiful perspective [...]

By |2018-11-27T21:02:25-05:00November 30th, 2018|Aging, Depression, Letting Go, True Self, Trust God|

More Than Words

Good morning... The aging parents of three close friends transitioned from earth to heaven this week. I shared a few intimate words: "I am praying for you and will continue praying." Both separate from and connected to, my heart kneels down to lift up my prayer: "In their darkest hours, give them each a friend with whom they [...]

By |2018-11-20T05:44:58-05:00November 20th, 2018|Aging, Friendship, God's Love, Loss, Prayer|

Trees Dance With God

Good morning... We sat in a small, sacred circle, ranging from one-hundred-and-one years old, through ninety-eighty-seventy-somethings, to fifty-five year old me. Our soulful speaker, a dear friend of mine, read aloud wisdom from Richard Rohr: "Poetry gives you resonance more than logical proof, and resonance is much more healing and integrating." He continued reading Rohr in his slow, [...]

By |2018-11-17T04:27:02-05:00November 15th, 2018|Aging, God's Plan, Nature, Organic Growth, Seasons|
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