One Big Prayer

Good morning... I am not the only one wrestling with this year's unique experience of heading "back to school." Children and teacher, parents and grandparents, caregivers and concerned folk everywhere are all wondering, "How do we do this school year well?" Earlier in the week, our church sent out a specialized prayer. Wherever we wake this Sunday morning, we come [...]

By |2020-08-09T08:19:16-04:00August 8th, 2020|Aging, Anxiety, Community, Prayer, Trust God|

When Worries Well Up

Good morning... Worries well-up naturally from our aching gut through our heavy heart to permeate our mixed-up mind. At their essence, worries are simply an invitation into prayer. Let me show you what I mean. For example, instead of incessantly worrying "How am I ever going to homeschool my kids online again this fall semester?" we pray, "God, [...]

By |2020-08-04T13:42:34-04:00August 6th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, Letting Go, Prayer, Trust God|

Worry Less. Pray More.

Good morning... "I am appalled by your blog and photo," the woman commented after yesterday's post. "How can it be true that we all grow up into God over time? That thought is too inclusive." "Too inclusive." The phrase lingered as I woke from sleep. This was a quote not from a real woman, but from a critical [...]

By |2020-08-04T06:09:07-04:00August 4th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, Spiritual Growth, Trust God|

One Peaceful Face

Good morning... "Be Kind" was the title of yesterday's blog post. "Sue," she responded. "This is one of the most profound of all of your posts. It speaks into my unsettled heart. The one that has journaled just now about the chaos of our current time. The out of control acting out behavior running rampant in our country [...]

By |2020-07-30T07:09:55-04:00July 30th, 2020|Anxiety, Community, Everyday life, God's Love, Peace|

When Our Hearts Hurt

Good morning... I took our two dogs for their annual check up, and guess what book was sitting on the bench as I waited for the vet? The Boy, the Mole, The Fox and the Horse by Charles Mackesy. In late May, I shared a picture of a page from this book passed along by a subscriber and [...]

By |2020-07-28T04:54:59-04:00July 28th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, Friendship, Healing|

Our Three Enemies

Good morning... "Morning sweet friend," she texted me this week. "We are headed out the door to walk the dogs, and I'm going to put this little gift on your doorstep." Nearly four hours later she texted again, "Hey there...just checking to see if you found the gift I left on your porch." "Oh, I have been totally [...]

Everything Went Wrong

Good morning... "Everything that could go wrong yesterday did," she emailed me, "and this morning didn't start off any better. I felt totally abandoned by God, even though I know He tells us, 'I will never leave or forsake you.'" She was right, God has promises repeatedly, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." The Lord himself [...]

By |2020-07-18T05:14:06-04:00July 18th, 2020|Anxiety, Community, Everyday life, Prayer, Trust God|

Are We Being Tested?

Good morning... As I wake on Day #7, still self-quarantining in our basement, I think, "And this type of COVID testing was designed to produce results in two days." We easily got a testing appointment with our doctor friend last Thursday, we waited in line for about thirty minutes to experience the uncomfortable procedure, and we were told [...]

By |2020-07-09T11:17:10-04:00July 9th, 2020|Anxiety, Awareness, Community, Everyday life, Trust God|

Three Great Questions

Good morning... Her email was short and direct. "Sue, what is happening around us? What do we do? Is God listening? Afraid for our world." My response was long and drawn out. "Great questions. I am learning not to just slough off important opportunities to communicate. You are asking so I will answer and these are my prayerful responses." [...]

By |2020-06-24T04:20:49-04:00June 24th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, God's Timing, Trust God|

Our Peaceful Place

Good morning... "I don't think I have hated anyone like this before," she said. "I can't stand being around her. I just feel so unsafe, like she might attack me with her words at any time, belittling me in front of everyone, making me feel horrible. I know we are supposed to love our enemies, but I don't [...]

By |2020-06-21T06:15:11-04:00June 21st, 2020|Anxiety, Awareness, God's Love, Peace|
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