Still Be Still

Good morning... I wake with a Christmas song dancing in my head. "Still. Still. Still." I know this first word, but I can not come up with the next line. So, I crawl out of bed. I plug in the tree lights and silently scoop coffee before brewing a small pot. I choose my cobalt blue 'Whistler' mug (a [...]

By |2018-06-16T06:35:07-04:00December 24th, 2016|Abundance, Awareness, Jesus Christ|

Slow Down Your Feet

Good morning... "Slow down your feet," the voice of a loving mom reminded her preoccupied preschooler. As the crowd rushed away from Sunday morning worship, I heard above the energized din, "Slow down your feet." "Don't run!" I have heard before. "Slow down your feet," is a new thing. This morning, I remind all of us: "Slow down your [...]

By |2018-06-16T06:39:43-04:00December 23rd, 2016|Awareness, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ|

Jesus Drank Wine

Good morning... "Jesus drank wine." That's what the t-shirt said. The clerk added, "We sell out of these t-shirts all the time. It's tough to keep them in our store." Why is that? Why are we so drawn to this truth? "Jesus drank wine." Because we want Jesus to sign our alcohol permission slip. If Jesus drank wine, it [...]

By |2018-06-16T06:57:02-04:00December 20th, 2016|Awareness, Human Nature, Jesus Christ, Transformation|

Yell Less – Seize More

Good morning... I will always remember one phrase shared in our young moms' class this semester: "I would rather be late than be yelling." I ponder the roots beneath the fruits of this statement. The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. Chronos refers to clock time, time that can be measured in seconds and minutes, [...]

By |2018-06-16T09:16:29-04:00November 27th, 2016|Awareness, Everyday life, Peace|

The Swampland Of Our Soul

Good morning... As I wrote a reminder email to my Tuesday class yesterday morning, I included the following quote from this week's chapter. In the afternoon, we settled into my living room. We shared thoughts and learned collaboratively. As we talked candidly about the things that get in the way of our whole hearted living, we read these words [...]

By |2018-06-17T13:55:44-04:00October 19th, 2016|Awareness, Family and Friends, True Self|

Please Slow Down

Good morning... Instinctively, we know, "It's time to slow down." For me, tangible indicators begin to pile up. 1) Often we get sick. Itchy ears. Scratchy throat. Fever and cough precede complete congestion. A full blown fall cold invaded my body last week. 2) Loved ones notice our need. As I scurried around last weekend, my husband said, "You [...]

By |2018-06-17T14:34:12-04:00October 10th, 2016|Awareness, Listen, Peace, Silence And Solitude|

When Hiding Hurts

Letting down our guard and sharing our true self is easier said than done. Our guard is an important part of us, serving us well until it doesn't anymore. We are handmade uniquely in our Creator's image (Genesis 1:27) and filled with the living breath of God (Genesis 2:7). Freshly formed from our Father's fingers, we each come into [...]

By |2017-09-01T01:54:54-04:00September 24th, 2016|Authenticity, Awareness|

My Plethora Of Pens

Good morning... As I prepared to speak at the kickoff gathering for the Moms in Prayer group at the Lovett School, I gathered pens for a writing activity. Pens from around my house. Pens from inside my purse. Pens from crazy crevices in my messy car. Instead of just gathering pens like a fiend, God nudged me to slow [...]

By |2018-06-17T17:18:52-04:00September 14th, 2016|Awareness, Everyday life, Trust God|

Listening Without Shoes

Good morning... "I waken this morning as one being taught." This sentence coaxes me to awareness from my sleeping state. Next a prayer dawns, "LORD, give us a teachable spirit." As we hone the art of early morning listening, LORD, help us to crave the wisdom You teach. Poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning then breaks into my consciousness, adding her [...]

By |2018-06-17T19:12:01-04:00September 1st, 2016|Awareness, Everyday life, Heaven On Earth|

Rejoice – Remove – Remember

Good morning... "OK REALLY??" she wrote after reading my blog post yesterday. "I am not kidding - this is the devotional I read first today (as I was awaiting yours) and then... I get the cherry on top, the COULD HAVE HAD A V8! I just love it. God is so good. To give me a double dose of how [...]

By |2018-06-17T20:55:01-04:00May 13th, 2016|Awareness, Gratitude, Letting Go|
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