Two Fairthful Men

Good morning... This week many of us went to one or both of the services celebrating the lives of two faithful men from our Atlanta community. On Thursday morning at Northside Church, we honored the life of Jim Caswell, husband of Robbie. "Jim lived a full and blessed life," reads his obituary. "He was a grateful man that [...]

Drawn To The Ocean

Good morning... On Saturday at noon, two young men from our community were laid to final rest, following two touching memorial services in two different parts of town. Josh Patrick lived twenty-three vibrant years on this earth, and Christopher Rascoe was twenty-four years old when he took his final breath. Our youngest son is twenty-three, soon turning twenty-four, so [...]

Mom Is Teaching Me

Good morning... Before I leaving my parents' villa to visit my mom in the hospital, I looked down on their table to see two simple items. A small wooden reminder, "In all things give thanks." And a card with a butterfly, black and white, yellow and orange. I did not know if my mom, unresponsive in the ICU [...]

Burying Her Son

Good morning... Today, my friend will bury her son. Dying an untimely death at age 23, Josh was her only child, the love of her life. Her Josh and our Jeremiah were on the same wrestling team in high school, so the thought of burying her son today hits very close to home for me. Josh's obituary chronicles [...]

By |2025-02-22T07:59:34-05:00February 22nd, 2025|Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, Faith, Family and Friends, Trust God|

My Wish For You

Good morning... As we fell sleep at the crossroads of life and death, we had no idea if my mom would wake up in the ICU or if the path before us would veer in a different direction. The two words joining us at this crossroads were "gracious acceptance." We prayed that our family would graciously accept whatever [...]

Listen To Our Vision

Good morning... "Sue," she wrote yesterday from Jacksonville, Florida. "I'm getting chills reading today's reflection, He Closed His Eyes. When I pressed play and heard Christy Nockel's stunning, distinctive voice, I was brought back to my Mom's final moments last Valentine's Day as I played Christy's version of 'Be Thou My Vision.' Mom was ushered on to heaven [...]

By |2025-02-06T02:51:04-05:00February 6th, 2025|Death And Resurrection, Healing, Listen, Trust God|

He Closed His Eyes

Good morning... Last week in our post The Setting Of A Life, I wrote about being with my friend, Martha, as her husband was in the process of dying. That visit to his memory care unit happened on a Monday afternoon. A week later, this past Monday, two of us close friends shared dinner with Martha and thoroughly [...]

By |2025-02-05T02:09:05-05:00February 5th, 2025|Death And Resurrection, Family and Friends, Letting Go, Peace, Trust God|

Never Seen This Before

Good morning... Last week, I walked our golden retriever mix to the horse farm in the flurry of our second Atlanta snow of the season. The flakes were light, airy, gorgeous coming down. As I rounded the familiar trail, I saw something I have never seen before. I noticed a cardinal. Then another. Another. And still another. As [...]

By |2025-01-30T05:29:22-05:00January 29th, 2025|Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, God's Love, Nature, Unity|

The Setting Of A Life

Good morning... Yesterday's rain provided the perfect backdrop. Drizzly. Dreary. Grey. With gratitude for the weepy sky, I drove to be with my friend and her actively dying husband. We enjoyed a sacred visit. Our eyes bonded briefly, he and me, and loving energy was exchanged. Then his eyelids softly closed, as he drifted back to sleep. One [...]

By |2025-01-28T02:42:12-05:00January 28th, 2025|Abundance, Death And Resurrection, Family and Friends, Gratitude, Trust God|

Inspired By Mary Lynne

Good morning... In the middle of this big moon night, I spend time with the beautiful bulletin from the celebration of life service for Mary Lynne Hamilton. I am inspired by her smiling face, her joyful essence, and her passion for the truth of God. I think I love this sentence most: "Mary Lynne is more alive now [...]

By |2025-01-16T00:02:00-05:00January 15th, 2025|Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, Faith, God's Plan, New From Old|
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