Tiny, Mighty Seeds

Good morning... Early every morning, God drops new seeds of thought into the rich soil of my innermost being. Yesterday, I received the weekly email from the Ignatius House Retreat Center. It was entitled "Seeds of Hope." "Remind yourself that you are in God’s presence," began the encouraging words. "I ask God for the grace to surrender to [...]

By |2024-10-24T04:04:29-04:00October 24th, 2024|Everyday life, God's Timing, Light In Darkness, Organic Growth|

Rooted In Tragedy

Good morning... During class yesterday, we read aloud Kay Warren's words on page 107 in Choose Joy. "But the reality is, this is earth, not heaven. Sin, pain, illness, loss, separation, grief, mental illness, financial ruin, death, and a whole host of other terrible circumstances happen on a daily basis, and each of us needs to prepare for [...]

By |2024-10-17T07:30:54-04:00October 17th, 2024|Everyday life, God's Plan, Gratitude, Trust God|

“It’s Cancer.”

Good morning... Tonight the nearly full moon lit up the room, beaconing me outside. Barefoot I stood in the damp, cold grass, marveling at the light piercing the night. I thought of a book excerpt we read aloud in class this week from page 87 of Choose Joy by Kay Warren. "My brain froze," Warren writes. "I wanted [...]

By |2024-10-15T02:24:06-04:00October 15th, 2024|Everyday life, God's Timing, Light In Darkness, Pain|

Unclog Your Bathtub

Good morning... "Hi Sue," a longtime friend wrote to me this week. "Your blog about The Coffee Cup Analogy reminds me of something I heard on the radio years ago. The doctor (a psychologist, I believe) said your brain is like a bathtub, and genetics plays a role in the size of bathtub you have. When we encounter [...]

By |2024-10-11T03:46:45-04:00October 12th, 2024|Everyday life, Healing, Prayer, Trust God|

Finding Peace Of Mind

Good morning... Friday, November 15th has been excitedly filled in on my calendar for a very long time. My dear friend Dr. Cathy Snapp, Director of Behavioral Sciences and Professor at the Medical College of Georgia, will be one of the keynote speakers at the "Finding Peace of Mind" symposium hosted at The Carter Center. Then yesterday, I [...]

By |2024-10-11T03:17:57-04:00October 11th, 2024|Everyday life, Healing, Peace, Trust God|

The Coffee Cup Analogy

Good morning... Taking our dogs outside in the middle of this night, all is calm, all is dark. Instinctively, I turn toward the south and lift prayers for the lives being ravaged in Florida by the drenching winds and the storm surge of Hurricane Milton. Prayer. What does prayer do at a time like this? I lift prayers [...]

By |2024-10-10T09:21:34-04:00October 10th, 2024|Everyday life, Faith, Imperfection, Trust God|

Two Words On One Stone

Good morning... "Hey Sue," she wrote. "On my walk, I was listening to your Ron Greer’s Wisdom blog about kindness from last week, and I happened upon this piece of art. Look closely at what someone left on the base of this statue." In a world that can feel chaotic, confusing, [...]

By |2024-10-08T02:09:08-04:00October 8th, 2024|Everyday life, God's Timing, Holy Spirit, Transformation|

Hold Notes Not Bullets

Good morning... Yesterday in our class, I shared the talented gift of a spoken word poet. What a perfect gift to share again with you today, on this first anniversary of the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel. As we listen together to this mesmerizing monologue, The Heart and The Fist by Rudy Francisco, we move our way through these [...]

By |2024-10-07T03:58:58-04:00October 7th, 2024|Everyday life, God's Plan, Healing, New From Old|

Normal Washed Away

Good morning... "We miss the normal this hurricane washed away." Her haunting sentence stays with me long after the interview is over. Our prayers continue, prayers for a new normal to somehow form around those grieving deep loss. The light of the full moon will be like the sun’s glare, and the sun’s glare will be seven times [...]

By |2024-10-05T03:14:26-04:00October 5th, 2024|Everyday life, Healing, Light In Darkness, Loss|

Ron Greer’s Wisdom

Good morning... A friend sent me the link to Ron Greer's talk about kindness from last Sunday. When the moment was right, I opened the link below and spent nearly an hour peacefully finishing a project at home and listening to Ron's restorative wisdom. So many important nuggets to ponder. When the moment is right, might you do [...]

By |2024-10-08T01:04:20-04:00October 4th, 2024|Community, Everyday life, God's Love, Unity|
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