Sharing God’s Spirit

Good morning... Sometimes, someone shares something to give us a spiritual boost when our own energy is waning. Unexpectedly, we receive a gift we did not ask for, a gift only God knew we needed so desperately. From an angel wearing skin, we receive a breath of fresh air and our faith is renewed, our trust in God is [...]

By |2018-06-17T22:20:45-04:00April 26th, 2016|Faith, Holy Spirit, Trust God|

Feathers Of Faith

Good morning... Visiting my parents in Ohio, I enjoyed their pets. They have well stocked bird feeders outside their large front window and another feeder at the back of their home, a wall of three picture windows overlooking the park. Their pets are the various species of birds, coming and going all day, as well as the chipmunks and [...]

By |2018-06-17T22:29:24-04:00April 24th, 2016|Faith, New From Old, Seasons|


Her mom taught her three specific words in a very important order. “Faith. Facts. Feelings.” These three words would be repeated anytime a challenge arose or a decision was faced, “Remember, we focus first on faith, then on the facts, and finally on our feelings.” As evidenced by the rosy cheeks on her adult daughter’s face, this mother’s advice [...]

By |2017-09-01T01:54:01-04:00April 28th, 2015|Discernment, Faith|

Seeds Released By Fire

I discovered something amazing when our family hiked and camped in Sequoia National Park.   “Whenever most people see a forest fire, they automatically think about all of the trees and bushes that are being destroyed. After the fire is over, the landscape looks like a blackened scene of destruction. But did you know that some plants and trees [...]

By |2017-09-01T02:10:31-04:00September 2nd, 2013|Faith, Organic Growth, Tragedy|
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